2016 Golden Comic Award for Best New Artist
It can be put no other way: The Baker’s Journey is imagination, painted. This beautiful story has no words, and it needs none. Artist Chen Wen-Sheng allowed the simple seeds of a childhood daydream, formed as he waited for the bread truck to pass his house, to germinate into a luscious, living work of color and creativity.
The story is very simple: Long ago, there lived a hard-working baker, who raised a small fish as a pet. Every time the fish ate the baker’s bread, however, it transformed into a massive, flying Leviathan, that took the baker on strange journeys across the world.
This story, which began as a short-listed entry at the Swiss Festival International de Bande Dessinee and was expanded afterward, is truly one of those books you buy “to look at the pictures.” You look and look; your eyes get wide as you soak it all in. For works of art like this one, seeing is reading.