Disrupting the field of traditional philosophy, this crash-course in practical logic teaches you to think for yourself.
Can we assume that someone who doesn’t believe in the supernatural is a sceptic? Or that there is no logic to the ranting of the shabbily dressed tramp who rails against politics? Are horoscopes and the predictions of fortune-tellers necessarily nonsense? And is the man who does the housework more likely to be emasculated? This book offers numerous practical examples of logical fallacies – when specious reasoning or flawed thinking prevents us from making impartial decisions – and steers clear of the rigid “if P then Q”-style formulations that characterize most books on the topic.
Every day we find ourselves confronted with rhetoric, online rumors, superstition, advertising, and conversational snares. A Masterclass in Logical Fallacies subjects them to detailed analysis and provides useful advice for dealing with them. By following the step-by-step sequence of these twenty-four lessons, the reader will learn to deploy logic, to organize thought, spot errors, tame emotion with reason, and sidestep logical traps.
Chienchih Chi aspires to promote a more philosophical way of living, creating a new means of communication that will empower readers to recognize the logic behind every problem.