The troubled human avatar of a powerful god discovers that a once-defeated enemy is again preparing Earth for the arrival of a dark power. A tale of demons, damnation, and redemption strongly in the vein of Constantine.
Han Chieh looks for all the world like a young tough: he lives in a dump, spends his days sparring and playing pool, and sports a tattoo of ancient armor covering half his scarred torso. But much more hides beneath the rough exterior. Han Chieh made a deal with an ancient deity, Prince Nezha, to be his avatar on Earth in exchange for lighter punishments for Han Chieh’s relatives, who languish in Purgatory. Han Chieh is Nezha’s eyes, ears, and sword on Earth, commanded to stand guard against the encroaching forces of the Nine Hells.
Yet recently, Han Chieh has gotten lazy. When a young girl shows up at his door, begging him to investigate her father’s possession by a demonic woman, Han Chieh tries to brush her off. When he finds that she is telling the truth, he discovers something else as well: the source of dark energy is the young acolyte of a demon lord, whom Han Chieh once prevented from invading the human realm. Now, the young man has taken advantage of Han Chieh’s lowered guard to gather his forces and prepare for a second assault.
The Divine Flesh will have you turning pages from the start, as Teensy’s energetic writing fills your imagination with all the action of supernatural conflict on earth, the plot snowballing with the intrigue of a rich Chinese occult. Fans of Constantine will fall in love with the hard-nosed protagonist and revel in his badass exploits.