Combining mystery, suspense, and folklore, Agnostic Detective follows Hai Lin-Tzu, a young Taiwanese Taoist priest with clairvoyant abilities. Acting as an unconventional "detective," Hai Lin-Tzu solves conflicts, mysteries, and crimes tied to the paranormal.
When a dead body is found in a temple and a drowned corpse surfaces in a public park, rumors spread that water ghosts are seeking human sacrifices. With his ability to see beyond the mortal world, the young priest takes on the chilling case.
These stories explore urgent themes, including human relationships, adolescence, Taiwanese history, and the complex connection between Taiwan and its former colonial ruler, Japan. The series delves into spiritual exorcism and supernatural forces, combining thrilling suspense with cultural reflections.
Agnostic Detective is adapted from the short story "Coral Bones" in the Taiwanese bestseller Chopsticks: Mysterious Tales, which has been sold in many countries worldwide.