In a realm transformed by a cataclysm a thousand years ago, humanity survives by harnessing curses and magic. After death, human spirits do not dissipate but instead wander, corrupting into monstrous entities that wreak havoc on all living things.
A girl engulfed in flames plummets to the earth. Her arrival banishes the monstrous entities responsible for human diseases and briefly reveals a miracle of blue sky. This event fulfills an ancient prophecy, making her a symbol of hope for the world's revival.
Yet, on this war-torn earth, she faces not only those yearning for a savior but also various mutated monsters and fierce battles of sorcery. Confronted with the mystery of her own origins and the weight of the prophecy, how will she navigate this chaotic world filled with vengeful spirits?
Featuring nearly a hundred breathtaking full-color illustrations, this epic fantasy is a collaboration between renowned illustrator Chiyou and fantasy writer Kuzuha. The book constructs a deeply captivating fantasy universe with a grand worldview. Blending Eastern traditional folklore with Western fantasy, this album-like volume features full-color printing and is finely bound, each page a meticulously crafted visual feast.