Wu Hsiao-Jung, a shy and introverted third grader, often finds herself on the fringes of her class. In her new classroom, she sits behind a girl with a beautiful ponytail named Ke Wei. Unable to resist, Hsiao-Jung gently tugs at Ke Wei’s hair, and this simple action marks the beginning of a close friendship between two girls with completely different personalities. They bond over drawing comics together and use "cat language" to express the words they can’t say aloud.
The two girls drift apart, leaving Ke Wei’s personal comic creation, The Sound of the Sea, shrouded in mystery. As Hsiao-Jung searches for clues, she is left wondering where to find answers to the unresolved questions about their friendship. The story follows her journey through fragmented memories of The Sound of the Sea, silent dreams, and a deep desire to uncover the truth. As the tale intertwines a longing for stories with youthful emotions, the question remains: what will be the final outcome for these girls?
This beautifully crafted and emotionally resonant tale of growth and friendship among young girls is created by the award-winning comic artist Monday Recover and scriptwriter Chiao Meow. It delicately captures the bittersweet rhythm of childhood regrets.