The first picture book inspired by Shau-di Wang’s classic animated film Grandma and Her Ghosts introduces a brand-new story. Written in a simple, childlike style, the story comes to life by Miss Charlie’s exquisite and lively illustrations. Together, they capture the joy and charm of Dou Dou and Grandma's summer adventures.
During the hot summer vacation, little Dou Dou returns to his grandma's house, excited to take part in the annual grand celebration. Each day at Grandma’s is filled with activities: playing with Kuro and Shiro, picking vegetables, doing housework, going shopping, visiting the lantern festival, releasing water lanterns, and participating in Pu Tu, a traditional festival ritual. At night, Dou Dou falls asleep holding her grandma's ear.
Shau-di Wang’s playful text, paired with Miss Charlie’s beautiful illustrations, fills Dou Dou and his grandma’s summer with warmth and joy. Along with their daily interactions, the book paints vivid scenes of traditional Taiwanese life, inviting readers to experience the summer atmosphere and the warm bond between grandmother and grandson.