List of Recipients

2023 (2)

Order Applicant Project Title Grant
1MSB Matthes & Seitz Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Ghosttown (Geisterdämmerung)600,000
3Chinabooks E. Wolf"OKEN - Geburt eines Dichters" German Translation Program / 《OKEN:詩的端倪》 德文譯本計劃500,000
4Marco Polo PressWild Boars Cross the River Vol.1 & 2. Korean Editions450,000
5Kougaku Tosho Co.Ltd.[Hide&Seek] Japanese Translation Program450,000
6Suhrkamp Verlag AGBEFORE WE WERE MONSTERS by HISAIO.Katniss Crime Novel450,000
7CHUOKORON-SHINSHA, INC>捲兔的台灣裸湯 Japanese Translation Program440,000
8Marco Polo Press老派少女購物路線 Korean Edition420,000
9MAHO EDITIONSHelena and Mr Wolf (海倫娜與大野狼先生) Thai Translation Program420,000
10Balestier Press席慕蓉《迷途詩冊》英譯出版計畫400,000
11Baobab BooksSon of Formosa – Volume 3400,000
12株式會社白水社“Railway of Taiwan”Japan Translation Program/《臺灣鐵道》日譯出版計畫400,000
13KAWADE SHOBO SHINSHA, Publisher"Underground Station" Japanese Translation Program370,000
14Kustannusosakeyhtiö Aula & CoKevin Chen: The Ghost Town, translation into Finnish360,000
15Mercure de FranceLe bal des sirènes FRENCH translation program/《人魚紀》李維菁350,000
16Macmillan Educación, S. A. de C. V. (imprint Ediciones Castillo)Aprendiendo a decir adiós (再見的練習) / Chinese-Spanish Translation350,000
17Alexa Frank (HarperVia, an imprint of HarperCollins USA)《房思琪的初戀樂園》英譯本計畫330,000
18Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o.Syaman Rapongan / Anloumian's death - Czech language translation300,000
19INFLUENTIAL Inc.《THE SKYSCRAPER(摩天大樓)》 Publishing translated edition in Korean300,000
20Tajfuny(鱷魚手記 / Notes of the Crocodile) Polish Translation Program300,000
21Komogi(Day Off) French Translation Program300,000
22Nazca EditionsSea you there and us300,000
23Toho-shoten Ltd.《苦楝花》日譯本計畫300,000
24dani booksHelena and Mr. Wolf vol. 1 and 2 German Edition ("海伦娜与大野狼先生" 1 + 2 德文版)300,000
25Tagtaa Publishing LLC新寶島 (The Formosa Exchange)290,000
26株式會社 田畑書店Tumas Hayan 多馬斯‧哈漾(李永松)《Tayal Balay 真正的人》翻譯出 版計劃280,000
27Nha Nam Publishing & Communications JSC.,Port of lies260,000
28Shichosha 思潮社He's still young/吳晟《他還年輕》日譯本計劃250,000
29Safran LTDGhost Town - Ukrainian edition250,000
30Altenburg Press Verlag台灣童書引進中歐計劃——「玩具診所開門了!」德文譯本250,000
31Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o.San Mao / Stories of the Sahara - Czech language translation230,000
32CalibroscopioMiradas (working title)220,000
33Nora Frisch, Drachenhaus Verlag黑水 "The River Darkens", Ping Lu 平路210,000
34SHKUPI Publishing HouseWhat’s a Snow Leopard to You? (馴羊記) - Albanian translation program200,000
35Nha Nam Publishing & Communications JSC.,The Illusionist on the Skywalk200,000
36Lumo Books d.o.o.THE LOST GARDEN by Li Ang, Serbian translation200,000
37Altenburg PressGerman Translation Program - 「雪英奶奶的故事」200,000
38ArtRageThe Piano Tuner in Polish190,000
39Asian District Editions (legal name : KOTOJI Editions)L'assaisonnement du bonheur / 幸福調味料180,000
40Perfekt, a. s.The Moss Twins180,000

2023 (1)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Balestier Press連明偉《番茄街游擊戰》英譯出版計畫600,000
1Marco Polo Press<來自清水的孩子 1, 2, 3, 4> Korean Translation Program550,000
2Balestier Press零雨詩集《女兒》英譯出版計畫400,000
3文藝春秋《DV8 私家偵探2》日譯本計劃400,000
4RH KOREA《鄰女》Korean Translation project390,000
5Komogi(The Lion in Manga Library vol.2 & 3) French Translation Program370,000
6Pagina 2 SrlsTranslation and publication in Italy of 陳黎跨世紀詩選370,000
7Balestier Press顏艾琳詩集《骨皮肉》英譯出版計畫350,000
8Mindalive Co., Ltd.(創意和探索 / Weizman BOOKs)《妙妙喵圖解生活科學 1-消失的便便》 / 《妙妙喵圖解生活科學 2-超能微波爐》 (total 2) 韓國語本計畫300,000
9Sanzini Korean Translation Program300,000
10ポプラ社(POPLAR Publishing Co., Ltd.)(白楊社)Mother Cloud Japanese Translation Program/《媽媽是一朵雲》日譯本計畫 290,000
11Baobab BooksSon of Formosa Volume 2270,000
12Altenburg PressGerman Translation Program of the Novel Blank Boy/《留白少年》德文譯本計畫270,000
13Nazca EditionsFormosa X240,000
14Hayakawa Publishing Corporation《鬼地方》日譯本計畫240,000
15TWO VIRGINS Co., Ltd.Memories of Majolica Tiles in Taiwan230,000
16Hohe PublisherTranslating and publishing 尋琴者(The Piano Tuner ) by Chiang-Sheng Kuo into Amharic language230,000
17TWO VIRGINS Co., Ltd.The Moss Twins220,000
18Nazca EditionsMayfly Island - L'île de l'éphémère210,000
19Lumo Books dooMAN WITH THE COMPOUND EYES by Wu Ming-yi, Serbian translation210,000
20Nazca EditionsClown Doctor200,000
21SAMPARKMommy Is A Bus Driver (GPT 2023-1)200,000
22NOOL(GUARDIENNE I) Arabic translation Project( (守娘上集) 阿拉伯語譯本計畫)200,000
23Altenburg PressSlovak Translation Program / 「最棒的禮物」斯洛伐克譯本計畫200,000
24Kim Dong Publishing House<早安豆漿店-林良爺爺給青少年的生活智慧><會走路的人–林良爺爺給青少年的情商課> 越南語譯本計劃200,000
25No RulesPiano tuner Translation Program200,000
26Shichosha 思潮社Evening lights and others /《 霞光及其它》日譯本計畫200,000
27Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.oLiao Hong-ji / Fish Dream Fish: Aliao's Fish Stories – Czech language translation200,000
28Vakxikon PublicationsThe Piano Tuner by Chiang-Sheng Kuo200,000
29MAHO EDITIONSBEAST OF CLOUDS (雲之獸) Translation Program200,000
30MAHO EDITIONSRescue Wild Birds (再見信天翁) Translation Program200,000
31Columbia University PressElephant Herd200,000
32Dr. Nora Frisch我想欲踮海內面醒過來 "I want to wake up in the sea"200,000
33MAHO EDITIONSTime traveller from showa era (1934 穿越的星與夢) Translation Program200,000
34Poëziecentrumpoems by Ling Yu / 零雨200,000
35Safran LTDGuardienne. VOL 2 - Ukraine's edition180,000
36Safran LTDThe Lion in the Manga Library. VOL 2 - Ukraine's edition180,000
37Viet Nam AZ Communication and Culture Company LimitedVietnamese translatation program/ <情緒寄生:與自我和解的34則情感教育>170,000
38Wydawnictwo Yumeka Klaudia Ciurka"Fang Si-chi's First Love Paraside" Polish Translation Program150,000
39Nha Nam Publishing & Communications JSC.Taipei People130,000
40Bookentor Publishing Co., Ltd.《狐狸一族心探險1:不能說的禁忌》 book publishing100,000

2022 (2)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Graywolf PressTAIWAN TRAVELOGUE (English translation)540,000
1Balestier Press孫維民詩集《異形》英譯出版計畫350,000
2Fondo de Cultura Economica de EspañaThe Piano Tuner330,000
5Hohe publisherTranslating and publishing 迷園 (The Lost Garden) by Li Ang into Amharic language280,000
6ZININZIN《Accidental State: Chiang Kai-shek, the United States, and the Making of Taiwan》Korean Translation Program /《意外的國度:蔣介石、美國、與近代台灣的形塑》 韓譯本計畫270,000
7Pesti KALLIGRAM KiadóWhy did we occupy streets? From Sunflower Movement to Umbrella Movement to Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill Movement in Hong Kong (為什麼要佔領街頭?從太陽花、雨傘,到反送中運動)250,000
8add editore srlTHE SHORT ELEGY 小輓250,000
9Marco Polo PressYu Ying-shih's Memoires / 余英時回憶錄240,000
10Komogi(The Lion in Manga Library) French Translation Program230,000
11Sankyu[HOME] Japanese Translation Program220,000
12Egales S.L.膜 Spanish Translation Program210,000
13Nazca EditionsPink Ribbon200,000
14Kustannnusosakeyhtiö Aula & CoTranslation of STORIES OF THE SAHARA by Sanmao to Finnish200,000
15Seven Track for Trading and Manufacturing《Cats of the Floating World》Arabic Translation Program200,000
16Nool(Son of the Sea) Arabic Translation200,000
17Mi:Lu Publishig s.r.o.The Rain in the Northwest / Tong Weige Czech language translation200,000
18Altenburg Press VerlagGerman Translation Program/「樹上的魚」200,000
19Shigakusha LLC《台灣老桌遊》Japanese Translation Program200,000
20Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o.貓劍客 : CATTERDAMERUNG I Vol. 2. Taiwanese manga comics to Czech translation.200,000
21THOUSANDS OF BOOKS, Inc.《阿媽的女朋友:彩虹熟女的多彩青春》Japanese version publishing project200,000
22Seagull BooksDecapitated Poetry English Translation Program/ 《欠砍頭詩》英譯計畫200,000
23Baobab BooksSon of Formosa200,000
24Leidykla Sofoklis, UABMY ENEMY’S CHERRY TREE , Wang Ting-Kuo200,000
25Safran LTDThe Lion in the Manga Library. VOL 1 - Ukraine's edition175,000
26SAFRAN LTDVOL. 2 Invitation of Yama - Ukraine's edition 160,000
27ANA POL publishing houseGROWING UP IN A TREE HOLLOW160,000
28ATMOSPHERE LIBRITaipei People150,000
29Nha Nam Publishing&Communications JSC.,Ghost Town/Vietnamese Translation Program130,000
30Haru Publisher(On Children) Indonesian Translation Program130,000
31Tazano Company Limited尋琴者(The Piano Tuner)100,000
32Thule Ediciones SLThe Orange Horse - GPT 202280,000

2022 (1)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1岩波書店《來自清水的孩子》1~4 日譯本計畫600,000
1Balestier Press楊双子《花開時節》英譯出版計畫480,000
2Nool(SON OF FORMOSA 3&4) Arabic Translation460,000
3Chikumashobo ltd.(株式会社筑摩書房)Japanese Translation Program/老派少女購物路線 360,000
4Balestier Press陳黎詩集《朝/聖》英譯出版計畫350,000
5BARBARA FIORE EDITORAThe rainbow of time, The Short Elegy & Love Letter340,000
6CHUOKORON-SHINSHA, INC.臺灣漫遊錄 Japanese Translation Program270,000
7株式會社三元社Chinese to Japanese Translation Project on Romantic Road to Democratic: Biography of Lei Chen270,000
8Toho-shoten Ltd.陳耀昌《獅頭花》翻譯出版計劃230,000
9Altenburg Press《小番茄的滋味》德文-斯洛伐克文譯本計畫220,000
10Publishing House ShkupiWILD BOARS CROSS THE RIVER220,000
11Kim Dong Publishing House/ 金童出版社繪本套書:《春天的野餐會》、《夏天吃西瓜》、《魔法的秋天》、《來玩交換禮物》越南語本計劃210,000
12PoëziecentrumPoetry of Yinni (隱匿)200,000
13Drachenhaus VerlagThe Cherry Blossom Fairy200,000
14Forlaget Korridor (Korridor Small Press)The Membranes by Chi Ta-wei200,000
15Perfekt. a.s.《你看看你,把這裡弄得這麼亂》斯洛伐克譯文計畫200,000
16Nazca EditionsKoxinga Z - 1661200,000
17Partizanska knjigaThe Butcher's Wife Thai Translation Program200,000
18Biblio Co., Ltd.THE PIANO TUNER200,000
19HongFei Cultures《同一個月亮》法譯本計劃200,000
20Nepko publishingLessons From the Mountains200,000
21Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o.„Me and the garbage truck I'm chasing" - Memoirs and interpersonal relationships by Xie Zi Fan200,000
22Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o."Kaohsiung Night Market Boy" the majority of ordinary folk life in Taiwan - Czech translation200,000
23Biblio Co., Ltd.CHOPSTICKS200,000
25PoëziecentrumPoetry of Yu Kwang-chung90,000
26SAFRAN LTDInvitation of Yama70,000

2021 (2)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Matthes & Seitz BerlinThe Man with the Compound Eyes (Der Mann mit den Facettenaugen)480,000
1Nool來自清水的孩子 Son of Formosa 1&2480,000
2RH KOREA《傀儡花》韓文譯本出版460,000
3Drachenhaus VerlagUnder Dawu Mountain370,000
4Pagina 2 SrlsTranslation and publication in Italy of 八代灣的神話 by Syaman Rapongan (夏曼藍波安)350,000
5Éditions du SeuilGhost Town350,000
6SEKAIBUNKA Books Inc.Translated picture book into Japanese 騎著恐龍去圖書館 and 騎著恐龍去上學320,000
7Kobunsha Co., Ltd.『你的孩子不是你的孩子』日文翻譯出版計畫300,000
8GENTOSHA INC.Your Name Engraved Herein -japanese edition-280,000
9Shoshikankanbou Co., Ltd.Taiwan Literature Series260,000
10Vince Kiadó és Kereskedelmi kftPublishing Wild Kids by Chang Ta-chun in Hungarian260,000
11Misuzu Shobo Ltd.魏明毅《靜寂工人:碼頭的日與夜》日譯出版(Japanese translation of "The Silent Workers: The Hidden Stories about Keelung Harbor" by Mingyi Wei)250,000
12ARM Corporation〈台灣文學選集〉5. 陳又津《跨界通訊》日譯出版/The Translation Project of Chen Yuchin's ”Happy Death Day”250,000
13NoolThe Corner Store ① (用九柑仔店 ①)250,000
14THOUSANDS OF BOOKS, Inc.綺譚花物語 Japanese version publishing project250,000
15add editore s.r.l.Membrana (膜) by Chi Ta-Wei (紀大偉)250,000
16Altenburg PressTaiwan Children's Literature in Slovak and German240,000
17Matichon Public Co., Ltd. Voyage Through Time: human civilization and history230,000
18Vince Kiadó- és Kereskedelmi kft Publishing Old-School Taipei Girl's Shopping List (老派少女購物路線) by Hung Ai-chu in Hungarian220,000
19Camelozampa sncTranslation and publication in Italy of HOW TO OWN A CORNER by Jimmy Liao220,000
20Bungeishunju Ltd.唐嘉邦《野球倶樂部事件》日文翻譯出版計畫210,000
21株式會社 田畑書店里慕伊‧阿紀《懷鄉》翻譯出版計劃210,000
22Mitsumura Educational Co., Ltd. About the publication of the Japanese version of the picture book “快一點慢一點(Quickly, Slowly)”210,000
23Al Arabi Publishing and DistributingArabic Translation of 單車失竊記 by Wu Ming-Yi200,000
24Mi:Lu Publishing" book My Ant-man Father (我的蟻人父親) a project aimed at the introduction of important Taiwanese writers to Czech readers.)200,000
25Kim Dong Publishing House The Innocent Virus: The Nuts and Bolts of Infectious Diseases130,000

2021 (1)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Europa Editions UKGhost Town600,000
1TWO VIRGINS Co., Ltd.Yong-Jiu Grocery Store vol.1~vol.5600,000
2Matthes & Seitz BerlinLast words from Montmartre440,000
3Serenity International鍾文音小說《在河左岸》英文翻譯出版/English Translation Publishing of Chung Wenyin's "Over the Left Bank of the River"340,000
4Pagina 2 SrlsTranslation and publication in Italy of 想我眷村的兄弟們 by Zhu Tianxin320,000
5株式會社 田畑書店瓦歷斯・諾幹《城市殘酷》翻譯出版計劃300,000
6eigoMANGA LLCeigoMANGA Publishes Taiwanese Comics For North American Market230,000
7株式会社光文社(Kobunsha Co., Ltd.)李屏瑤『向光植物』日文版翻譯出版230,000
8Safran - LTD"Big river, Big sea, 1949" by Lung Ying-tai200,000
9Altenburg Press台灣童書引進中歐計劃——愛哭公主200,000
10Mi:Lu PublishingThe Song of Mountains, Forests and Sea: collected aboriginal tales of Taiwan /CZECH TRANSLATION150,000
11MISMA ÉditionsROAD TO NOWHERE 2140,000
12Safran - LTDGUARDIENNE Vol.1, Ukraine edition130,000
13Nha Nam Publishing & Communications JSC.,Whisper130,000

2020 (2)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Editions PicquierWild Boars Cross the River by ZHANG GUIXING480,000
1Galerija FotografijaThe English and Slovene version of Shepherds and the Slaughterhouse and Fleeing from the Dark Side of the Moon by the Taiwanese photographer, Simon Chang (張雍).480,000
2Bungeishunju Ltd.張渝歌《荒聞》日文翻譯出版計畫(Japanese publishing project of The Whisper)390,000
4Shoshikankanbou Co.,Ltd 書肆侃侃房Taiwan Literature Series320,000
5株式会社三元社Free Man on the Margins: A Historian’s Choices(《辺縁の自由人 ある歴史学者の選択》)300,000
6Columbia University PressFaraway: A Novel300,000
7Gecko PressTwo picture books: Dinosaur in the Library and Riding a Brontosaurus to School300,000
8Toho-shoten Ltd.福爾摩沙三族記290,000
9Hakusuisha Publishing Co., Ltd《睡眠的航線》日文翻譯出版計畫260,000
10H.A.B(H&S company)"台湾書店歴史漫歩" Publishing plan250,000
11THOUSANDS OF BOOKS, Inc.我和我的T媽媽 Japanese version publishing project230,000
12Altenburg Press台灣童書引進中歐計劃《杯杯英雄》220,000
13Hosei University PressHuang Chunming Selection210,000
14Vietnam Women's Publishing HouseVietnamese Translation and Publication of Notes of a Crocodile by Qiu Miaojin200,000
15Heirakuji Shoten Co., Ltd《名畫記行——回到1929的公會堂》翻譯.出版計畫200,000
17Iwanamishoten, PublishersChen Cheng Bo Mi Ma200,000
19Better Day Media Services Co Ltd稻草人的微笑 SMILE OF THE SCARECROW200,000
20Nazca EditionsIchtyophobia160,000
21Reycraft BooksFrom Civil Engineering to Creating Picture Books150,000
22Luitingh-SijthoffThe Stir-Fry Sniper100,000

2020 (1)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Oriental Literature Publishing HouseTranslation and publication of Taipei People (臺北人) by Pai Hsien-yung (白先勇)450,000
2Serenity International宋澤萊長篇小說血色蝙蝠降臨的城市英譯與出版400,000
3TOKYODOSHUPPAN Co Ltd. Japanese publishing project of A Carpenter and His Taiwan Exposition380,000
4LIBELLAQIU MIAOJIN- Les Cahiers du crocodile350,000
5Hara Shobo Publishing Co., Ltd.Japanese version of Yokai Map of Taiwan320,000
6Biblio Co., Ltd.The Stolen Bicycle300,000
7Bungeishunju Ltd.Japanese publishing project of Private Eyes300,000
8Safran - LTDTHE STOLEN BYCICLE BY Wu Ming-yi300,000
9Blacklist Studio BarcelonaSHOP_HOUSE - Spanish edition260,000
10Wydawnictwo Akademickie DIALOG Spółka z o.o.Publication and Translation of Auvini Kadreseng's 'The Country That Dissapeared'250,000
11Borim PressGING WA DA XIA JIANG HE HU250,000
12Mangmoom Culture Company Limited“Hudie Duoduo” A Children's Rights Cares from Taiwan220,000
13Editorial Cuadernos del LaberintoBlack Ghost (Tu Miao-yi)200,000
14Columbia University PressThe Membranes200,000
15Mahô EditionsNine Lives Man – Wallow in Light200,000
16PoëziecentrumTussen. Poëzie van Chen Yuhong (In between. Poetry by Chen Yuhong)180,000
17Mi:Lu PublishingCzech translation project on Taiwanese nature writing: Mountains and the aboriginal Taiwanese culture narrated by Salizan Takisvilainan160,000
18PoëziecentrumLo Fu, Dood van een stenen Cel (Lo Fu, Death of a Stone Cell)160,000
19SHOGAKUKAN INC.Japanese version of RINGSIDE150,000
20Mi:Lu Publishing貓劍客 : CATTERDAMERUNG I Vol. 1. Taiwanese manga comics to Czech translation.130,000
22斯洛伐克 Perfekt, a.s. 出版社 《Lokot 樹上的魚》斯洛伐克文出版計劃100,000

2019 (2)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Honford Star Ltd.The Whisper 荒聞450,000
1Oomzicc Publisher 動詞出版社Translation and publication of Qiu Miaojin's Last Words from Montmartre《蒙馬特遺書》450,000
2Camphor PressChildren of the Saltpans (鹽田兒女)400,000
3Gecko PressBibbit Jumps (步步蛙很愛跳)400,000
4Kosaido Akatsuki Corporation九色鹿 A Deer of Nine Colors400,000
5株式会社 翔泳社SHOEISHA Co., Ltd.100%台灣釀醬400,000
6Hohe PublisherAmharic translation of work entitled 'Scales of Injustice. The Complete Fiction of Loa Ho' by Loa Ho (賴和全集-小說卷)300,000
7Omusubisha (おむすび舎 ERI SHIMOTORI)Japanese version publishing project of The Alligator Who Loved His Vegetables300,000
8Gato Negro EdicionesRecetas afrodisiacas 完全壯陽食譜290,000
9Ediciones El nido del fénixTranslation and publication in Spanish of "Daofong Lagoon"260,000
10Wydawnictwo Akademickie DIALOG spółka z o.o.翻譯和出版 (親愛的小孩)250,000
11斯洛伐克 Perfekt 出版社Riding a brontosaurus to school 《騎著恐龍去上學》翻譯250,000
12Mi:Lu Publishing s.r.o.Taiwanese nature writing: Czech translation project on Taiwanese ocean literature240,000
13Jelenkor KiadóTranslating The Stolen Bycecle by Wu Ming Yi into Hungarian220,000
14Nha Nam Publishing & Communication JSC.,Emotional Blackmail (情緒勒索)200,000
15OÜ Päike ja PilvPublishing Flyaway tickets (車票去哪裡了?) in Estonian180,000
16斯洛伐克出版社 DAXE, spol. s.r.o.Who gets the first price 《誰是第一名》斯洛伐克文翻譯計劃150,000
17斯洛伐克出版社 DAXE, spol. s.r.o.Me and my bike 《我和我的脚踏車》引進斯洛伐克計劃150,000
18KIM DONG PUBLISHING HOUSEWhat's it like growing up? / 長大是什麼樣子?58,250

2019 (1)

OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
2Academic Publishing House DIALOG sp.z.o.oTranslation and publication of Tsai Suh-Fen's CHILDREN OF THE SALTPANS350,000
3Academic Publishing House DIALOG sp.z.o.oTranslation and publication of Yang Fu-Min’s A-Ga300,000
4Mangmoom Culture Company LimitedWhats The Car In Front OF US? Thai Tranlation Program280,000
5Mangmoom Culture Company LimitedThe Orange Horse Thai Tranlatiion Program220,000
6斯洛伐克出版社 Perfekt.a.s.Promotion of picture book from Taiwan in Slovakia200,000
7斯洛伐克出版社 Perfekt.a.sTranslation plan of children's story book from Taiwan into Slovak language200,000
8Kvetuša Dašková Vydavateľstvo Q111Granny's woods of memory120,000


OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Misuzu Shobo Ltd. (日文:株式会社みす ず書房,中文:美篶書 房)Japanese translation of Prometheus Unbound by Wu Rwei-ren430,000
2dtv Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co., KGGerman translation and publication of „Notes of a Crocodile“ by Qiu Miaojin420,000
3Graphic-Sha Publishing Co., Ltd.Far away ice & fruits parlors420,000
4株式會社白水社《房思琪的初戀樂園》之日文翻譯與出 版計畫400,000
5Camelozampa s.n.c.Translation into Italian of THE BLUE STONE by Jimmy Liao380,000
6Chin Lit PublishingThe Man with the Compound Eyes - Wu Ming-yi350,000
7Chin Lit PublishingThe Stolen Bicycle – Wu Ming-yi350,000
8Eunhwa ParkTHE STOLEN BYCYCLE350,000
9Chinabooks E. WolfShihuang (First mperor)350,000
10THOUSANDS OF BOOKS, Inc.書店本事 − 在地圖上 閃耀閲讀星空 Japanese version publishing project300,000
11Day Poets Company LimitedTO READ OR NOT TO READ, THAT IS MY QUESTION270,000
12株式会社 書肆侃侃房 Shoshikankanbou co., Ltd.Taiwan Literature Series250,000
13Academic Publishing House DIALOG sp.z.o.oTranslation and publication of Huang Chin-shu's Hujan (雨)250,000
14Uitgeverij VleugelsDutch translations of Yang Mu\'s poetry250,000
15Uitgeverij Atlas ContactStories of the Sahara250,000
16Mangmoom Culture Company Limited《小恐怖》給大人看的童書250,000
17Barbara Fiore Editora S.L.TO READ OR NOT TO READ, THAT IS MY QUESTION250,000
18Mi:Lù Publishing s.r.oThe Song of Mountains, Forests and Sea: collected aboriginal tales of Taiwan220,000
19Phan Le & Friends Company LimitedThe Stolen Bicycle Vietnamese Translation and Publishing Project200,000
20Mi:Lù Publishing s.r.oGround Zero200,000
21Sinead O\'CallaghanMy Enemy\'s Cherry Tree200,000
22Edizioni e/oThe man with the compound eyes - Fujian Ren200,000
23Mono Generation Co., Ltd.Fang Si-Qi’s First Love Paradise200,000
24Barbara Fiore Editora S. L.MR. WING200,000
25Phan Le & Friends Company LimitedThe Man with the Compound Eyes Vietnamese Translation and Publishing Project180,000
26Honford Star Ltd.The Sage Hunter160,000
27LÚČ - vydavateľské družstvo BratislavaTranslation plan of children's books into Slovak language150,000
28Nha Nam Publishing & Communications JSC.My Enemy’s Cherry Tree130,000
29金童出版社 KimDong Publishing Housesai gon boy75,000
30Wydawnictwo Kwiaty OrientuTranslation and publication of The Man with Compound Eyes by Wu Ming- Yi (吳明益)75,000
31金童出版社 KimDong Publishing HouseWaiting for Angels Picture Book Series60,000
32金童出版社 KimDong Publishing House短耳兔系列50,000


OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1大阪大學言語文化研究科/外國語學部Japanese Translation and Publishing Project250,000
2Arche Literatur Verlag AG / Niederlassung HamburgGerman publication of the novel My Enemy's Cherry Tree by Wang Ting-kuo250,000
3Sakai Tohru (酒井 亨)Project for Japanese Translation of “Selected Works of Tan Beng-jin’s Taiwanese Literature”250,000
4韓國釜山大學現代中國文化硏究室《臺灣新文學史》韓文版翻譯出版, Translated edition of Korean250,000
5德國柏林法定翻譯車慧文博士(Dr. Hui-wen v. Groeling)Der Mächtige Strom (The Great Flowing River)200,000
6Mesut SenolTranslation and publication in Turkish language of poetry book《黃昏時刻》(The Hour of Twilight, Alacakaranlık Saati)200,000
7BakhaMy Enemy's Cherry Tree150,000
8Maria OstashevaThe River Darkens by Ping Lu150,000
9KADOKAWA CORPORATIONThe Man with the Compound Eyes Japanese Translation and Publishing Project150,000
10Holp Shuppan Publications, Ltd.GRANNY'S FAVOURITE TOY Japanese Translation and Publishing Project150,000
11Tunué srlBaker150,000
13Ms Delphine LORHOPrivate Eyes150,000
14Kalachuvadu Publications Pvt.Ltd.The Man with the Compound Eyes 150,000
15add editore80s Diary in Taiwan100,000
16KOTOJI EditionsYong-Jiu Grocery Store100,000
17L’Asiathèque, “Taiwan Fiction” SeriesFrench Translation of Walis Nokan’s Micronouvelles100,000


OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1Text PublishingTHE STOLEN BICYCLE English Translation500,000
1ENCICLOPÈDIA CATALANA S.L.U.Sanmao's ”Dreaming the Olive Tree” Spanish translation and publication400,000
2韓哲旻Dark Tourism through the Rebels’ City - An Alternative Guide for Taipei Korean version Publishing plan400,000
3Camelozampa s.n.c.Translation into Italian of "Kiss and Goodbye"350,000
4mirobole editionsWAR OF THE BUBBLES340,000
5L'AsiathèqueFrench translation of The Illusionist on the Skywalk330,000
6Honford Star Ltd.The Steelyard: The Complete Fiction of Lai He300,000
7Hyundae Munhak Publishing Co., Ltd.The River Darkens300,000
8ALMAThe Illusionist on the Skywalk280,000
9魚住悅子Badai’s Anjiao Japanese Translation and Publishing Project250,000
10Mangmoom Culture Co., Ltd. (蜘蛛文化)The Hospital into Thai250,000
11Mangmoom Culture Co., Ltd. (蜘蛛文化)Dangerous Mind into Thai240,000
12Munhakdongne Publishing GroupGRANNY’S FAVOURITE TOY220,000
14Mi:Lu Publishing (麋鹿出版社)Czech translation of Yang Mu´s work150,000
15Fandogamia Editorial, C.B.The Worst Travel to Spain and France90,000


OrderApplicantProject TitleGrant
1株式會社 あるむ台灣文學選集4. 郭強生《惑鄉之人》日譯出版450,000
3金惠俊 韓國釜山大學中文系(現代中國文化研究室)《王德威文學理論精選》韓文版編譯出版200,000
5KOTOJI Editions / Asian District《OLDMAN奧德曼》全4冊海外出版補助翻譯計劃180,000
6Wydawnictwo Akademickie DIALOGPolish edition of the book-Big River, Big Sea170,000
7L\'AsiathèqueNuages mouvants140,000
8Jana Benesova (裴海燕)巴代《白鹿之愛》捷譯出版計畫120,000
9Jenny Franke, owner of Mirando Bok (Mirando Publishing)地下鐵 The Sound of Colors120,000
10Jana Benesova (裴海燕)夏曼‧藍波安《天空的眼睛》捷譯出版計畫120,000
11Balestier Press Pte Ltd幾米《時光電影院》英文翻譯出版70,000
12Pavlina Kramska (白蓮娜)台灣自然文學:廖鴻基作品捷譯出版計畫70,000